Gathering to hear God's story, be nurtured in faith, and share the good news

Welcome to Galilee Lutheran Church Roseville!! We can’t wait to meet you, and we pray that your experience as part of the Galilee community is fun and life‐changing!
Faith Formation: 2/9 We thanked the Call Committee for hosting Gloria Johnson, who spoke about the first ministry decade at Galilee. 2/16 We shared a prayer litany in which we spoke in unison "We remember and forgive." Joyce Solberg led a healing touch prayer. 2/16 After your treats and brief conversations, come to the library to hear Ron Peterson speak about every person having a global experience. 2/23 Join us as Joyce Solberg and Cynthia Erickson share on their 2024 Tanzania trip.
The Epiphany Season
Over the course of eight Sundays, the gospel readings during the Time after Epiphany offer episodic glimpses of Jesus’ life. Worship as often as possible because with all the baptized, we are called with Jesus to witness the miracle at Cana, to leave everything behind and follow him, to love our enemies, to reach the mountaintop and come back down, and to face death. Worship on the remaining Sundays in Epiphany on Feb. 9, 16, and 23.
For information on Rice Street Gardens, please visit their website at