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Remember, God blesses us to be a blessing. Our life of faith is well-rounded and holistic. There are a myriad of ways we practice our faith. 


ENCOURAGE  We lift up others and bless them. It is important to come together regularly to encourage one another. Ministries like Young at Heart, the Galiladies, and the Donut Group are excellent avenues to come together to encourage one another in life and faith.


STUDY THE HOLY SCRIPTURE  The Bible is difficult to understand sometimes. Even when we study the Bible for years and decades there is always new insight. The Word of God speaks to us to our surprise. It is truly the Living Word. Join us at 2 pm each Wednesday.


INVITE  Will you come with me to church? Can I give you a ride to worship on Sunday? Want to join me this week to pray about that in my church? Can I introduce you to my church family? 

Giving and Offering  Set aside some money regularly for the work of the church. Offerings not only keep the congregation running smoothly internally, the congregation blesses the surrounding community with your offerings by strengthening social services, bringing relief after natural disasters, working for justice, supporting our synod, supporting our missionaries, sending girls to school....

WORSHIP  Make a Joyful Noise to the Lord! Come into his presence with singing! Enter his courts with thanksgiving and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him and bless his name for the Lord is good and his love endures forever!

(Psalm 100)


SERVICE WORK  As people of faith, we serve others volunteering, clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, teaching literacy, welcoming the stranger, visiting the prisoner, befriending the lonely, healing the sick, comforting the grieving, supporting the weak, making public art, mentoring the youth, picking up trash, planting trees, weeding the garden, fixing and repairing what is broken.

PRAY  Do not be anxious about anything, but with thanksgiving in prayer and petition make your requests known to God, and the Peace which surpasses understanding will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4)

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