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Child of God, you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever.” In the sacrament of Holy Baptism, we are joined with Jesus Christ forever. We receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, the forgiveness of sins, and the promise of eternal life. As Baptized children of God, whether we are baptized as infants, youth or adults, we trust in God’s promises that there is nothing in this world that can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. 

Galilee Lutheran Church belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran Church, and we are ecumenical church. This means that we believe that we are ONE in Christ, even if we come from another kind of church. The Holy Spirit makes us one family of God and joins into the body of Christ. That is why if someone was already baptized at another church, such as the Catholic church or in a Pentecostal church, we do not re-baptize them if they want to join Galilee, because we believe that God’s promises are true, and that God was present and active in your Baptism. After all the Lord our God is one. There is only One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism.

At Galilee Lutheran, we welcome infants, children and people of all ages to be baptized into the body of Christ. We set aside time in worship to celebrate baptisms, our congregation makes a commitment to help raise our children in the faith. Because baptism connects a person to the community of faith, we strongly encourage baptisms to be celebrated during worship.

If you are interested in being baptized or scheduling a baptism, please contact the Galilee office at 651-488-6769 or by email We look forward to hearing from you. Holy Baptism is the greatest gift anyone can receive. There is never any charge for a Baptism. This gift from God is freely given by the grace of God.



Are you engaged to be married? Come and have your wedding ceremony at Galilee Lutheran Church.  You do not have to be a member of the congregation in order to be married here. However, there is a moderate cost for non-members to reserve the use of the building.  Galilee Lutheran Church is a welcoming and inclusive community of faith. Therefore in 2016, Galilee formally made a clear decision and commitment to welcome same gender couples to be married by our Pastor in Galilee’s sanctuary, (or in another venue chosen by the couple).

Engaged couples who wish to be married at Galilee are required to meet with the pastor for a total of 12 hours of

pre-marital education and counseling during the months or weeks before the wedding. The Pastor uses Talking Points: 

The Greatest is Love, written by the Rev. Dr. Franklin Nelson. Fulfilling the 12 required hours of meetings brings many advantages to the couple. 1.) It gives the pastor enough time to understand their reasons and intentions for wanting to bet married. In this way the pastor marries the couple with a clear conscience, and a sense of joy! 2.) The pastor and the couple get to know each other so they can effectively plan a wedding ceremony according to the couple’s wishes and personalize the ceremony the way the couple wants it. Finally, 3.) The couple will save $100 on their marriage license application because they fulfilled at least 12 hours of pre-marital education before going to the county court to apply.



If your loved one dies, Galilee Lutheran Church is here for you. Call us 651-488-6769 or email at so we can be of help during this difficult time of grief and loss. We pray for God’s blessings to you for comfort, grace, love and strength. We welcome you to hold the funeral and reception here in the church. The pastor will take the time needed with you to plan a funeral or memorial service for your loved one. We also have a funeral coordinator who can help plan a reception for after the service.

If you are anticipating the death of a loved one, and you would like the Pastor to visit, please let us know. The pastor can offer prayers of comfort, and anointing, as well as Holy Communion for your loved one before they pass away, as well as for family and friends present.

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